Parker Animal & Bird Clinic
2129 W. Parker Rd., Suite A
 Plano, TX 75023 

Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Closed for Lunch 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday - Closed



Vector Group of Pets - Veterinary Hospital in Plano, TX  Image

Preventative Care

Routine & Preventative Care for Puppies/Kittens, Adults and Seniors
Parasite Testing & Control - Internal & External Parasites
Dentistry - Cleaning, Polishing, Extractions and Maintenance Care
Teeth Trimming for our Chewing Patients, ie: Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Etc.
Vaccinations - Tailored to your Pet's Needs & Lifestyle
In House Bloodwork & Digital X-ray
Flea & Tick Treatment Programs and Products
Heartworm Testing, Treatment and Preventative Products
Avian/Exotic Routine & Preventative Care

Surgical Procedures

Heartworm Testing, Treatment and Preventative Products
Foreign Body, Abdominal Exploratory, Cystotomy (bladder stone removal)
Spays and Neuters, Cryptorchid, C-sections
Tumor Removal, Mastectomy
Perineal Urethrostomy (urinary blockage in a male cat)
Wound Repair, Lacerations
Luxating Patella
ACL Repair (Extracapsular Repair)
Fracture Repairs
GDV (Bloat) & Gastroplexy


Pancreatitis, Kidney Disease, HGE, and many others
Parvovirus Hospital Therapy
Vestibular Disease
Diabetic Ketoacidosis



Vector Group of Pets - Veterinary Hospital in Plano, TX  Image

Preventative Care

Routine & Preventative Care for Puppies/Kittens, Adults and Seniors
Parasite Testing & Control - Internal & External Parasites
Dentistry - Cleaning, Polishing, Extractions and Maintenance Care
Teeth Trimming for our Chewing Patients, ie: Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Etc.
Vaccinations - Tailored to your Pet's Needs & Lifestyle
In House Bloodwork & Digital X-ray
Flea & Tick Treatment Programs and Products
Heartworm Testing, Treatment and Preventative Products
Avian/Exotic Routine & Preventative Care

Surgical Procedures

Foreign Body, Abdominal Exploratory, Cystotomy (bladder stone removal)
Spays and Neuters, Cryptorchid, C-sections
Tumor Removal, Mastectomy
Perineal Urethrostomy (urinary blockage in a male cat)
Wound Repair, Lacerations
Luxating Patella
Fracture Repairs
GDV (Bloat) & Gastroplexy


Pancreatitis, Kidney Disease, HGE, and many others
Parvovirus Hospital Therapy
Vestibular Disease
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
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